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 "Active Listening" with T4Tactics

"Active Listening" with T4Tactics is just that. It's an informative place to go listen and learn from a wide variety of topics. Never just limited to what I do, you'll hear from experts in their field, motivational broadcasts and much more. We'll discuss, financial and personal success stories, health, motivation, tips for "first timers" and much more. "Active Listening" by T4Tactics can easily be heard on the following podcast platforms like Anchor, Apple, Google, RadioPublic, Spotify, Breaker, Stitcher, Overcast, and PocketCasts. My marketing team will “advertise” it 2 to 3 times on my social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, along with my T4Tactics website. Get ready to sit back, relax and learn with "Active Listening" by T4Tactics. CLICK THE ICON BELOW TO START LISTENING on Anchor. 

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