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I want my concealed permit but....

In our changing times many people are turning to firearms in order to take their personal protection seriously. Have you, a loved one, relative, or friend always wanted to shoot a handgun, learn how they operate and or maybe to get your concealed permit? Maybe you or they are too afraid, nervous, or apprehensive of the gun? The “kick” which is actually called “recoil” can be frightening to many people.

T4Tactics in Lynchburg, VA teaches firearm safety / concealed permit classes to those people mentioned above. Although we have the facility to instruct up to 50 students, our classroom size is usually limited to 6. We also teach individual, one-on-one classes at no extra charge. The subject matter is just too important to allow a student to leave the classroom without a full understanding of the lesson, the practical exercise and the shooting range portion.

Read my bio on my T4Tactics webpage. Not only am I a retired police Sergeant of 22 years; I was also a firearms instructor at my police department for 17 of those 22 years. I worked a second job (adjunct) at the police academy in Daytona Beach, FL teaching new officers to shoot. I’ve been a college level instructor for a total of 25 years and teaching civilians firearm safety for 9 years. Why is all this important or relevant? The answer is simple yet goes overlooked by many of my competitors. T4Tactics (me) understands that not all people learn the same way. Some don’t grasp things on the first go-around. Others don’t like a large classroom because they tend to hold their questions out of fear of “asking a stupid question”. Some students learn in a noisy environment because that’s the way it is at home. Others haven’t been in a classroom in many years. Some prefer one-on-one with the instructor. Some are great at test taking but have absolutely no practical hand-eye skills. Others can’t take a test on paper but can tell the instructor all the right answers if they sit down and chat.

I pride myself with not letting a student leave without feeling 100% confident with the rules and skills necessary for safe and responsible gun ownership. T4Tactics is not a certificate mill. If the student doesn’t get it the first time (which rarely occurs) we’ll go back until they do and with no added charges. No fine print.

T4tactics will use patience, understanding and many years of classroom teaching experience to deliver everything you need to know on the topic.

T4Tactics will also accompany you to the local gun store(s) to assist you in making the right purchase. Not just telling you to get the expensive one because of a commission. We’ll guide you as a third party to make sure you make the right choice. There is a lot to consider with a firearm, ammo and holster purchase.

Keep in mind there is a reason why an instructor (or local University) would offer the firearm safety class / concealed permit course for free. You’ll get exactly what you pay for. I get many calls each month from people that have attended such classes or “discounted basement classes” and have absolutely no idea how to operate their firearm. I call malpractice and say they are playing a dangerous game with others personal safety.

T4Tactics, LLC operates under the old school business practice model, which has just about vanished in today’s world. We take the personal approach to each and every student!

Personal Protection in the Home and Ladies Self-defense classes also available.

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