National Concealed Carry
T4Tactics, LLC located in Lynchburg, VA and offers firearm safety classes, concealed carry permit training for the VA permit and the Multi-State Concealed Permit. IF PRESIDENT TRUMP will attempt to create a Federal Concealed Carry Permit there will be lots of resistance from our northeastern states along with CA, IL, NY, NJ and HI. It will be a long hard battle with many democratic controlled states resisting. I hope it goes through but the outcome is grim. Food for thought - it would be a very wise move to get your own states concealed permit BEFORE this occurs. Laws, training and requirements will change. One of the reasons Utah’s non-resident concealed permit (aka the MULTI-STATE CONCEALED PERMIT, which is available to most concealed permit holder) is so accepted in 34 states is due to the strict training requirements. They are so far above any beyond many other state requirements. The forethought of already having your concealed permit PRIOR to this possible law change will do you good. The “grandfather clause” is a wonderful thing! For more information or to schedule training, contact us now!