Tomorrow (Saturday 9-23) T4Tactics, LLC in Lynchburg Virginia will be presenting at Liberty University aka Thomas Road Baptist Church on the topic of Active Shooter Awareness and Response Training. The usual training workshop is approximately 6 to 8 hours but this 50 minute session will touch on some of the most important information regarding the identification of someone that has made a dangerous turn towards violence, their five developmental stages, what to do when some of these stages are revealed and management / law enforcement responsibilities. We will discuss what has and has not worked in some of the most violent attacks in our country. Never sugar coated or exaggerated. Then very briefly, we'll discuss what to do if you find yourself caught in the middle of such an unthinkable attack. If time allows, we'll have a short Q & A session. To register for this FREE event, go to
Remember, T4Tactics, LLC in Lynchburg, VA travels the United State presenting on this most needed product and topic. Although most of our clients wish to remain confidential, we do have several in the Lynchburg area and across the United States that are more than happy to give a reference.
We also teach Firearm Safety Classes for your Concealed Permit, The Utah Non-Resident, Multi-State Concealed Carry Permit, Ladies Self Defense Classes which teach situational awareness, dealing with stalkers, aggressive advances, understanding your instincts and defensive combat skills. Personal Protection in the home courses are also available.