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Consider this for survival;

T4Tactics in Lynchburg, Virginia presents Active Shooter Awareness and Response Training, Concealed Permit Courses for the VA permit, the Multi-State Concealed Permit and self-defense classes that focus on easy to learn skills that do not need to be practiced daily in order to work. T4Tactics self-defense classes focus not only on combative skills but more importantly learning your best survival tool, understanding the Hippocampus aka Limbic system part of your brain. This unique tool is designed to keep you alive and all systems working prior to and during an attack.

When we talk about Active Shooter, do you know the developmental stages of a person that may be taking a dangerous route to planning a violent attack?

Do you know the stages of violence and the different types? How can a person stay calm during an extremely violent attack?

Do you think you can negotiate or “talk down” an active shooter?

What is the profile of an active shooter? How are they classified and defined?

Do you know what has and has not worked in prior active shooter attacks?

Does your church have too many people carrying firearms? Trained vs untrained.

Do you know the difference and critical importance to a trained response vs an untrained response?

How about personal attacks – (sexual assault, unwanted advances, stalkers, robberies…)

Do you know that many victims have “edited out” or “denied” critical hints that they were being set up for an attack?

Are you able to pick out key words / techniques an attacker might use to get you in his / her comfort zone?

Can you recognize signals that should lead you to turn back, leave the area, take immediate action or contact assistance?

How do you deal effectively with a stalker or an “ex”? Some things you may do may actually be encouraging them to be more aggressive.

As a young lady, how do you present yourself? Are you a “soft target” or a “hard target?” Simple things you may or may not be doing at school, college, work, the parking lot, the gym may be putting you in harms way.

Your VA or Multi-State Concealed Permit -

How often do you practice? How do you practice?

What documentation do you keep?

Many concealed carry permit holders / firearm owners have absolutely no clue what the “justifiable use of deadly force matrix” is and how it applies to self-defense. Do you? If you don’t, you’re a walking criminal and civil liability.

What type of holster do you carry? This can actually come up in a wrongful death / accidental shooting criminal / civil court proceeding.

If you travel, are you checking to make sure that reciprocity has not changed? It does often.

T4Tactics is available for Active Shooter Response Training, Concealed Carry Courses both for VA and the Multi-State (aka Utah Non-resident) along with self-defense classes for individuals, groups or employment team building. We are located in Lynchburg, Virginia and can easily service the Roanoke, Danville, Charlottesville areas. In 2017 we presented in FL, NC, VA, DC, DE, PA, TX, MS and MI. Currently we are scheduled out for 14 states in 2018.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at

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